Friday, April 22, 2005

tiene muchas sospechas de mi...

I think she is confused about me: she wants to think I'm a good girl because at my age, I've made it through school (for the most part), without getting pregnant (which also is PROOF that I have not had premarital sex!), and without embarrassing the family. At this point, though, that does not matter. Now other issues are more worrisome, like the fact that I am not exactly in line with the whole church thing.

--tienes tiempo de ir a los bailes y a las cantinas, pero no tienes tiempo de ir a misa?
--si voy a misa, pero yo prefiero rezar yo sola. ademas, dios esta en todas partes, no tengo porque ir a hacerlo frente a un padre.
--ay! (she performs the part of the vaquero getting shot in the heart in the duel), tu no sabes lo que estas diciendo!
--claro que no; pero no tengo porque ir con un padre a que interceda por mi; para eso yo le rezo a mi abuela y a los santos, y al mismo dios. ademas, el padre es una persona, un viejo como cualquier otro. yo no se porque uds andan de muy pinche serviciales con los padres. algunos hasta se empenhan en andarles oliendo el culo, como si fueran dioses.
--ay! mejor callate! se me hace que tu eres masona o sinarquista. esa es de la religion mas mala que hay...

y ahi se quedo esa conversacion. she is convinced that i am evil, that i hate the church, that i am of a different religion (not being Catholic means you are already in the wrong), that i am outright wrong. well, there are worse things than not believing in the church, like believing blindly in it.

but i do have to shut up next time, not because i agree with it, but because i have to respect the fact that for my family it has become more of tradition, it is part of our culture & background. and if i want to continue being on good terms with my family, i have to participate. not that that's a bad thing at all: nobody is forcing me to enjoy the parties that we throw for any number of reasons, like el bautismo de greeni... with a band and dancing, as we drink away, cussing into the wee hours of the night, como los demonios que somos!


Blogger Unknown said...

your mother is such a sweet woman--and funny too. but she's right, le haces mucho tiempo a los bailes y a las cantinas. your such a bad girl. next time, pidele que te busque un padrecito parecido para que puedas hecharte un taquito de ojo durante la misa. ;)

5:19 PM  
Blogger Aleksu said...

What about the Padre Amaro?

I see god in the bottom of every beer bottle.


7:59 PM  
Blogger guiam said...

i feel better now: you guys are worse than me! nos vamos ir todos al infierno!

8:17 AM  
Blogger Mariposatomica said...

Hey al infierno feliz y con tequila...I can't wait to see you so you can tell me the deal with this....Was it S.P. that told you this?

2:50 PM  
Blogger AnalisaGuzman said...

nena, with rats inger as pope we are definitely going to hell whether we go to mass or not.

10:50 AM  
Blogger Julio Sueco said...

Jajaja, hay muchachas estas, but heck, can I come there with you guys too?

6:21 AM  
Blogger guiam said...

of course! everyone is invited!

9:05 AM  

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