Thursday, November 04, 2004

cold chicago, & i defend next week

finally, that dreaded and wonderful news has come: i defend my thesis next wednesday, and now i must prepare for the day. make all the changes necessary on the text, make sure graphs and formatting is correct, turn it into my advisor on Sunday so that he can have enough time to read it and drill me on it. I'm afraid & I'm grateful. One of my friends said it was a blessing to have it come so unexpectedly. I won't have too much time to dwell on it. Get it over with. Finally, GET IT OVER WITH. Get all the paperwork in, throw it up, vomit it: so sick of it.

I dream of Wednesday night. I dream of having some extra time on my hands and sleeping, and writing, and visiting family & friends. I dream of taking a long break... I had no summer this summer. I dream that after I turn this in, a small vacation will begin for me.

cold chicago, & i defend next week

finally, that dreaded and wonderful news has come: i defend my thesis next wednesday, and now i must prepare for the day. make all the changes necessary on the text, make sure graphs and formatting is correct, turn it into my advisor on Sunday so that he can have enough time to read it and drill me on it. I'm afraid & I'm grateful. One of my friends said it was a blessing to have it come so unexpectedly. I won't have too much time to dwell on it. Get it over with. Finally, GET IT OVER WITH. Get all the paperwork in, throw it up, vomit it: so sick of it.

I dream of Wednesday night. I dream of having some extra time on my hands and sleeping, and writing, and visiting family & friends. I dream of taking a long break... I had no summer this summer. I dream that after I turn this in, a small vacation will begin for me.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Cuba, bella y triste

I'm back from Cuba, and it was an incredible experience. At one point, I suffered from culture shock, and began to panic. I told my friend, "What if the room is tapped?" I didn't write in my journal until I got to Mexico. Then, a few things emerged...amongst many cluttered thoughts:

Cuba is beautiful. The people are wonderful. I became nostalgic as I left the family that treated me like I was family, that provided all they could, despite difficulties, so we could be comfortable during our stay. Los Cubanos son un encanto.

But there were also many confusing moments. I felt like I was being watched. I told people I was Mexicana, instead of American. I felt I had to be careful what I did and said. I couldn't talk about "El Senhor," nobody really did. Someone disappeared while we were there. Life in Cuba is difficult for most people, I think. Everyday things can be difficult.

I loved seeing racial integration, something we don't have in the U.S. or even in Latin America: mulatos y triguenhos y negros y blancos, everyone interacting without prejudices (as far as I could see).

I need to go back to Cuba. Es raro, but once you are there you feel like you have to return... like you left something behind.